Netiquette, what is it?

Hello everyone,

Not many people have heard about this but there is such a thing as Netiquette. Netiquette is basic Internet etiquette. I will go over the basics, but for a further explanation and examples on netiquette please visit: The Core Rules of Netiquette.

We are all human

I find that the first thing you should keep in mind is to treat every interaction as if you are writing a letter or speaking to the person face to face. Yes this is cyber space and you can't see who you are communicating with, but there is a person on the other end. Treat every interaction as how you would like to be treated.


I find that a lot of new computer users tend to type in ALL CAPS. Please do not do this, since this is a cyber world it is difficult to show emotions, many people use special characters to create faces (emoticons) to show how they feel, other people use all caps to show their displeasure. Using all caps is considered yelling.

Think Before you Send
The best thing you can do before responding to an individual is think before you send the message. You have no control over where it goes after it is sent. You may delete all records of it, but it can still be floating around in cyber space.

There are more rules, but these give you a basic understanding.


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