
Unity is when all elements on a page are working together and have something in common.
Here is an example of taking one shape and presenting it in different sizes, the text around the rectangles creates repetition (rhythm) in the design causing the reader to read it like they would a clock.

Proximity is the distance between objects, the closer they are, the more they appear to have in common. When writing text for a page, you should keep this in mind. Below we see how the author created headers in the side bar into separate topics, grouping links that were related to each other

Repetition (aka Rhythm or Constancy) is when objects look alike and give the appearance that they are related. This can be simply seen in repeated the same element in a row (i.e. to create a menu bar) or as seen below. The red wood borders and menu planks are repeated throughout, tieing all elements of the page making it appear as a whole


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